Your Origin Story Starts Here

You are one of a kind with your own motivations, barriers, and your own "why." Shouldn't your unique circumstances be considered when building a fitness program for your unique life? You can consult a certified online personal trainer to create the roadmap for success. Let today be the beginning of your great success story.

The "What" and the "Why"

As an active-duty Air Force Military Training Instructor, I take pride in helping hundreds of aspiring warriors reach their greatest potential mentally, physically, and emotionally. Outside of my Air Force duties, I continue developing and coaching those eager to meet the greatest versions of themselves through physical fitness, healthy habits, and lifestyle changes.

As I love to teach my basic military trainees, you are simply the sum of your daily actions. What you choose to do every day will define who you are. You will learn to build habits that will lead to results. You will learn that the version of you lying dormant inside can only truly be set free to see the light of day with positive habits unlocking the potential that lies within you. Let’s walk the journey together with all the tools you need for success!


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Phone Consultation


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Customized Training Programs

Get the most out of your workouts with a personalized training program designed specifically for your fitness goals, experience level, and body type. 

Track your Progress

Keep track of your reps, sets, sessions, and body stats. Post progress photos, weigh-ins, and nutrition stats to reach your goal.

Your Program, You're in Control

I'll help you customize your workouts and schedule to fit your needs and goals. We can add or remove workouts as needed, and I'll be here to ensure you stay on track.

Videos, Tutorials and How-Tos

Learn proper form and technique with videos and tutorials. Master exercises with guided workout videos. Never be confused about how to perform lifts again!

24/7 Access via Chat and Video Call

Chat with me directly for questions, updates, and feedback via the app while on your fitness journey. You'll get my undivided attention and support along the way.

Connect Your Devices

Sync the app with Apple Health/Watch, Fitbit, Withings and MyFitnessPal for tracking your daily progress with ease. Sync data such as: 


Serious about your fitness goals?

Fill out the pre-consultation form and get a response within 48 hrs. It'll only take a few minutes.